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Aruba Virtual Intranet Access Client
Provides Secure Remote Network Connectivity

Aruba Virtual Intranet Access Client

Aruba Networks Products
Aruba Policy Enforcement Firewall for Aruba Controller VIA agent
Aruba PEF VIA License for 620 Controller
List Price: $710.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 650 Controller
List Price: $1,419.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 651 Controller
List Price: $1,324.00
Our Price: Request a Quote

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Please Note: All Prices are Inclusive of GST


The VPN services in ArubaOS include the Virtual Intranet Access (VIA) client, a hybrid IPsec/SSL VPN. By supporting VPNs to third-party systems, your Aruba infrastructure becomes a vital part of any secure, private network deployment.

The Virtual Intranet Access (VIA) client from Aruba provides secure remote network connectivity for Android, Apple iOS, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows devices.

A hybrid IPsec/SSL VPN, VIA automatically scans and selects the best secure connection to the corporate network. Unlike traditional VPN software, VIA offers a zero-touch end-user experience and automatically configures wireless LAN (WLAN) settings on client devices.

For military-grade security, VIA supports Suite B cryptography when used with the ArubaOS Advanced Cryptography (ACR) module. With ACR, mobile devices with VIA can securely access networks that handle controlled unclassified, confidential and classified information.

VIA Features:

  • Secure remote network connectivity for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows clients.
  • Automatically launches VPN-on-demand outside the corporate network.
  • Connectivity and authentication occur transparently with no complicated logins.
  • VIA clients authenticate using their same WLAN authentication credentials.
  • Uses the same identity-based access policies whether local or remote.
  • Logging and diagnostics allow remote troubleshooting of connectivity issues.

The easiest way for devices to get a VPN connection

Completely Wi-Fi-aware, VIA automatically scans the air, finds the best connection, and launches a VPN-on-demand to the corporate network. It offers a zero-touch user experience and enables automatic configuration of Wi-Fi settings on mobile devices.

Keep thousands of remote users connected to work

Employees who work remotely can easily install an Aruba AP to securely access the corporate network. Once they're connected, the experience is just as if they're at the office, thanks to a zero-touch VPN link to an Aruba controller in the data center.

Reach out and cut costs

Every Aruba controller makes a secure connection to the network infrastructure across different sites. There's no need to invest in VPN appliances.

Military-grade encryption

Aruba Suite B Advanced Cryptography software lets devices with VIA securely access networks that handle classified, confidential and unclassified data.


Integrated Solution

Orderable through the Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) license, VIA can be downloaded directly from the Mobility Controller, or pushed out from an existing software management platform. VIA connects to and receives both software and configuration updates directly from the Mobility Controller with no additional hardware required.

Automatic IPSEC Connection

Frequent business travelers often connect through hotels, airports, coffee shops, and 3G cellular networks, which require secure links to access internal corporate resources. Legacy VPNs often require users to start additional software and undergo a complicated log in process.

However, VIA is completely Wi-Fi-aware. From a non-corporate network - such as a home WLAN, 3G or public Wi-Fi network - VIA automatically launches a VPN-on-demand connection to the data center. Connectivity and authentication occur transparently with no complicated logins.

IPSEC with SSL Fallback Encapsulation

VIA uses the standard IPsec protocol suite to secure communications between VIA-enabled devices and an Aruba Mobility Controller in the data center. This ensures the fastest connections possible where clients can connect via native IPsec. If a firewall blocks direct IPsec connections, VIA can wrap IPsec packets in an SSL header to allow secure connectivity through corporate firewalls.

Leveraging Single Sign-On

The same mobile device credentials that authenticate users to wireless LANs (WLANs) can also be used to authenticate VIA users. Leveraging these credentials, VIA automatically connects users in the background without prompting them for a username and password.

When coupled with the automatic connection capability, users get a consistent connection and authentication experience without changing their work habits. Organizations that require additional authentication methods can employ traditional user name and password or token schemes.

User Role Support

VIA client software leverages the same role-based and stateful firewall policies for local and remote network access to ensure a consistent end-user experience, regardless of location. It can also be configured to allow separate access roles and policies on the same end point, depending on where the user logs into the network.

Extensive Troubleshooting Support

VIA's built-in logging and diagnostic capabilities enable remote troubleshooting of connectivity issues without requiring users to navigate through a complex set of tools. If required, client logs can be emailed to support teams for more detailed troubleshooting. The diagnostic tools include connection logs, system info, detected WLAN networks, and detailed connectivity tests.

Corporate, Home Office and Road Access

VIA operates with Aruba 600 Series, 3000 Series, and 6000 Mobility Controllers. No additional VPN head-end servers or appliances are needed. With VIA, users have the same experience as when they connect to the headquarters or branch office network, creating a seamless end-user experience whether accessing network resources locally or remotely.


Aruba Virtual Intranet Access Client Deployment


Security Protocols Supported
  • Encryption: AES-GCM-128, AES-GCM-256, AES256, AES192, AES128, 3DES, DES
  • Hash: SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA, MD5
  • Authentication: Pre-shared Key, RSA, RSA & ECDSA,
  • Smart Card
  • Diffie-Hellman Group: Group 1, Group 2, ECDH Group 19, ECDH Group 20
  • IPsec IKEv2
Authentication Options
  • Username/password and certificate multifactor authentication
  • Smart card
Forwarding Modes
  • Tunnel mode
  • Split-tunnel mode
Supported Client Operating Systems
  • iOS 4.2, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0
  • Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10
  • Android 4.x
  • Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit variants), Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit variants)
  • Windows Vista (32 bit and 64 bit variants)
  • Linux
    • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS (32 bit and 64 bit variants)
    • CentOS 6.3+
    • RHEL 6.3+

Note: Any device running one of the above operating systems is supported. i.e. Microsoft Surface Pro and Amazon Tablet running Android are supported but Microsoft Surface or Amazon Kindle devices are not.

Hardware Requirements Minimum 900 MHz processor
  • 256 MB
  • 100 MB of available hard disk space
Supported Aruba Mobility Controllers
  • 7200 Series
  • 7000 Series
  • 6000 with M3 controller module
  • 3000 series
  • 600 series
VIA with Suite B Cryptography For classified or highly sensitive network deployments, VIA has been enhanced to support RFC 4869 (Suite B Cryptographic Suites for IPsec) and bSec, a Suite B enhanced version of IEEE 802.11i for secure wireless connectivity. VIA with Suite B is enabled with the optional ArubaOS ACR module.


Aruba Virtual Intranet Access Datasheet (.PDF)

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Pricing Notes:

Aruba Networks Products
Aruba Policy Enforcement Firewall for Aruba Controller VIA agent
Aruba PEF VIA License for 620 Controller
List Price: $710.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 650 Controller
List Price: $1,419.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 651 Controller
List Price: $1,324.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 3200 Controller
List Price: $4,791.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 3400 Controller
List Price: $8,693.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 3600 Controller
List Price: $8,693.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for M3 Controller
List Price: $8,693.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7005 Controller
List Price: $732.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7010 Controller
List Price: $1,464.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7024 Controller
List Price: $1,324.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7030 Controller
List Price: $4,940.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7205 Controller
List Price: $14,637.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7210 Controller
List Price: $29,274.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7220 Controller
List Price: $43,911.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba PEF VIA License for 7240 Controller
List Price: $58,548.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 8 Session License
List Price: $1,450.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 32 Session License
List Price: $5,123.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 64 Session License
List Price: $8,479.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 128 Session License
List Price: $14,894.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 256 Session License
List Price: $25,986.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 512 Session License
List Price: $45,074.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba Advanced Cryptography 1024 Session License
List Price: $73,284.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Aruba TACT-PEFV Virtual Mobility Controller Policy Enforcement Firewall License
List Price: $1,262.00
Our Price: Request a Quote